Last night was Halloween and like most cities in North America, the streets in my neighbourhood were teeming with small costumed figures and their beleaguered parents doing the rounds for the annual candy collection. But over the last few years our neighbourhood has created a different tradition, one that creates such an amazing spectacle that it's becoming an occasion in itself. The day after Halloween is All Saints Day for some, but for residents of Parkdale and vicinity it's the annual Pumpkin Walk at Sorauren Park!

Formerly relegated to the compost bin after their Halloween appearance, our pumpkins get a second chance to shine, long into night! The pumpkins don't actually do the walking; they are lovingly transported to the park and lined up along the paths that run through the park.

Hundreds of pumpkins seem to spontaneously appear throughout the day and by evening their numbers are spilling over the walkways and into the grass. People appear by the hundreds as well, strolling through the park oohing and ahhing over the works of art these lowly squash have become.

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